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Hi all! 😀

I'm just beginning my day. The dogs and horse and myself have all been fed. Now we are just hanging out on the warm, now heated comfy bed listening to the rain and the radio. The dogs have just begun their morning wrestling match. They have so much fun!

Just a little news:

⭐ The rain IS louder on our new metal roof. I was wondering because Hermit had them put an extra layer of insulation under it. It's a nice sound but I can't hear it unless it rains fairly hard.

⭐ Bella got a new collar. :up: It's silver and has little "diamonds" on it. She looks cute in it. Her old one is so dirty, I will try and clean it up.

⭐ Magnus continues to improve. He has his off days, like yesterday, where he just wants to sleep but many days, like today, he is playing and acting like he feels well. He has gained some weight but has a bit more to go. He has been stealing my blanket at nights :bandit: Hairy little blanket stealer!

⭐ I'm feeling well again. By "well" I mean the sinus problems seems to be mostly gone. The fibro and CF are still everpresent. It occurred to me yesterday that I've always just considered the fibro and chronic fatigue syndrome the same things, which they are not. I have both. BOO! I guess the CF is what knocks me down for days after I'm active. BOO! My nemesis has a side kick! Sneeky

⭐ I'm not sleeping well again. Insomnia, nightmares, restless legs, apparently I kick in my sleep now, ect… Yesterday during a nap/nightmare I managed yell out and to kick the tv tray next to the bed that Gert is on and bruised my shin. Oh, and I think scared the dogs. I felt really bad about that! and since they usually are asleep on or near my legs, one got thrown in the floor. 😦 :doh: I think she jumped on my legs though and that is why I kicked because I was fighting in my dream. I had some ninja skills in this dream! Usually I can't defend myself (can't breathe, move, ect…) but apparently now I'm full on kicking some arse! Go me! 😆

⭐ Yesterday evening I was watching movies. I watched 'Pride and Prejudice'. It is based on the book by Jane Austin of the same title. I really like this movie and the book. There are several versions, but this one is the most recent I believe and stars Keira Knightly and Donald Sutherland. I love movies that are historically correct. I enjoy studying the clothing, cultural habits, and buildings. They are usually fictional stories and that's just fine by me. I also watched 'Memoirs of a Geisha'. This one is also based on a book. The book was very good as is the movie. Women living in Japan at this time didn't seem to have many options or choice in where they ended up in their lives. It did make me realize where I'm at is just fine and ok. I'm always boo-hooing to myself about not having a career. I had never considered not having one before getting ill. Sooo this is a reoccuring issue in my mind. But, my point is that I'm hardly the only woman that got put in a situation I did not choose and must deal with that. (Not that it's bad, life is quite relaxed here in Casa de Brown with my little dogs and heated bed 😆 )

If anyone has a movie suggestion of this type (historical fiction) that you can recommend, I'd appreciate it. I have been wanting to see the movies made from Jane Austin books and others similar. I'm getting a movies I want to see list started for the winter. :up: