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Hello Friends!
I hope your week is going splendidly. Mine is just fine.

I've decided to try to put a photo up with each post just for kicks & giggles. Todays photo is of my fuzzy slippers. They are very squishy & comfy. My feet :heart: them. I got them on sale for $6! Oh simple pleasures!

It took a week, but HD played today! He usually plays with his toys each day & when Libby died last week he got sad & stopped. I'm so happy he's back to playing & dismembering wee stuffed animals again! :yes:

This morning I went to the doctor & discovered I have gained another 5lbs. Dr Pokeypants says I need to cut down on the junk food & try to excercise. :eyes: He measured me to check my BMI & I'm officially 5' 7.25" with my sneakers on. :up:

After my appointment I met Hermit for lunch at the Chinese buffet. :left: I have been walking HD almost every day for the past week as I've recruited him to be my excercise buddy. Today it is rainy & cooler so I will skip the walk I think. But the unexpected not-at- all-healthy lunch with Hermit was nice. :love: he's so busy these days.

After lunch I went to pick up my very last paycheck from the job I quit last month. I saw the lady I used to care for while there. She gave me a big hug & kept asking when I would be back to be her staff. She doesn't understand why I had to quit. I've been meeting her for lunch or dinner once a week since I quit though so its not like she never sees me. I miss her too & wish I could go back to work. It makes me sad. 😦

I am beginning to relax more & appreciating being at home getting the rest that I need & not having a schedule. Hermit says I'm still doing too much, but its annoying to have to watch my life pass by with not much I can do to enjoy it. Pluses & minuses to everything!

I got a new game for my DS. Its called "Cradle of Rome" & is a puzzle game. I have to match up objects in each puzzle in order to eliminate all the blue squares to earn "money" to build a city. Its very addicting & is getting hard. (If you are familiar with the game "Bejeweled" it is similar.) I recommend it! 😀