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Todays photo is of a ceramic bunny have in my kitchen. I think it is very cute! I like little bunnies & someday would like to have a real one for a pet but not while I have a dog.

I worked earlier. Everything went well, it was a good day, I only tripped on air once! :up: Some of the workers think my new frames look "smart & scholarly". :happy: Others didn't even realize they were new. 😦 One laughed at me so I'm not sure if that was good or bad. I'm finally getting used to them & like them. Its nice having a different look.

Unfortunately the weather is in the midst of changing & you know what that means. Stupid fibro! 😡 My back & legs are sore & stiff. I walked like Frankenstein all day.
Tomarrow it may be icy & snow. Its going to be a good day to stay in bed! :zzz:

Next week is HDs birthday. :hat: I don't know the exact date but I know its about that time. I chose the 17 – St. Patrick's Day – to celebrate it each year. I like to tease Hermit & say I'm going to throw a puppy party for HD. I never do, usually he just gets extra treats. I do have a cookbook from Three Dog Bakery so I could bake something special. Any ideas of how to celebrate my white shadows birthday? :hat: ⭐

I've begun preparing for the low-iodine diet (it begins on the 17th.) Sort of. I put a box out so I can pile all the things I'm allowed to eat in one place for easy prep. Tomarrow I hope to go grocery shopping for healthy fruits, veggies & whatever else comes to mind. I only have to do it for 10 days this time! Yippee!! I used to do it for 20+ days. (The diet is to deprive my body of iodine.) No fun but necessary.